Find your Life Link.
Life Links are a time to gather together with like-minded believers to fellowship over food, laughter, and centered around the Word of God.
We enjoy diving into the current series that Pastor Jeremy is currently preaching and ask questions/share testimonies. We pray together, stand with our brothers and sisters in the Lord, and build those
godly relationships that are so vital in these end times.

Mark & Deborah Farley
Where they meet: 8109 Vail
Step into a home that's full of laughter, love,
faith-filled prayer, and delicious food! You’re sure to
leave this home with new friends and
encouragement to get you through the week!
faith-filled prayer, and delicious food! You’re sure to
leave this home with new friends and
encouragement to get you through the week!

Randy & Bree McMahan
Where they meet: 7811 Tarter
With a heart and attitude that specializes in caring and
welcoming new believers, you’re sure to feel welcome
in this home! A deep love for the Word, people, coffee,
and snacks - you’ll leave this Life Link feeling
encouraged and part of the fam!
welcoming new believers, you’re sure to feel welcome
in this home! A deep love for the Word, people, coffee,
and snacks - you’ll leave this Life Link feeling
encouraged and part of the fam!

Dana Sandoval
Where they meet: Propel Room, Accelerate Church
"A merry heart does good like medicine..." and you are sure to be filled with laughter with this group. This is where genuine friendships are formed, delicious food is prepared, and an excellent break-down of the current sermon series comes forth. If you're looking for new godly relationships to be built, this is your group!

Pastor Ricky & Diana Pfeil
Where they meet: 5754 Canyon Dr. (Kingdom Keys Radio)
This group is a potpourri of unique and delightful
characters who have a high regard for the Word,
enjoy one another and welcome adults of all ages.
Come for a refreshing filling of the Word of God.
This group meets in the Kingdom Keys Radio Building.
characters who have a high regard for the Word,
enjoy one another and welcome adults of all ages.
Come for a refreshing filling of the Word of God.
This group meets in the Kingdom Keys Radio Building.

Larry Brooks
Where they meet: 3409 Hancock
Fun and wisdom abounds with this silver group!
Come fill your plate with food and reflect with your
friends. Biblical encounters, prayers answered, and
the laying on of hands...what’s better than
experiencing all that the Lord has given?
Come fill your plate with food and reflect with your
friends. Biblical encounters, prayers answered, and
the laying on of hands...what’s better than
experiencing all that the Lord has given?

Luke & Jan Whaley
Troy & Chrissy Holman
Kenneth & Libby Kelley
Where they meet: 17201 Lakeridge Dr. Canyon, TX
Where they meet: Accelerate Sanctuary (back)
Where they meet: 9302 Cagle
If food and fellowship speak to your heart, you will hear plenty! Come experience the Word and some
fantastic foods. Discussing, praying, and laughing with love and fun friends. Life happens, let it happen with godly friends.
fantastic foods. Discussing, praying, and laughing with love and fun friends. Life happens, let it happen with godly friends.
Uplifting and comical, this cool coffee-sipping crew has friendly, profound, and sincere Christ-centered
conversations focused on the Word. Come expecting and come ready to fellowship with some authentic
conversations focused on the Word. Come expecting and come ready to fellowship with some authentic
“...Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God!” - 1 Corin. 10:31. Whether you’re looking for a friend, accountability partner, or family– this is the group for you. This group loves big, eats well, and laughs a lot, but most of all indulges in the Word! Party of 1 or 2? There’s room for you!

David & Gloria Legrand
Jim & Candice Kirkpatrick
Where they meet: 9400 Sharman Loop
Where they meet: 4922 Matador Trail
This Word-loving group of believers is sure to encourage,
pray, and stand in agreement with those that they do
life links with! You will leave full of the Word and ready to
fight the good fight of faith with friends like these.
pray, and stand in agreement with those that they do
life links with! You will leave full of the Word and ready to
fight the good fight of faith with friends like these.
Life is delicate but Christ makes it strong. Through godly relationships, the Lord works miracles and
imprints upon our lives. Come for sweet tea, delicious delicacies, and overcoming testimonies
with your young family friends.
imprints upon our lives. Come for sweet tea, delicious delicacies, and overcoming testimonies
with your young family friends.

Grip & Hannah Fortenberry
Where they meet: 5815 Contented Lane
“As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend…” - Prov. 27:17. Here, you’ll find Godly friendships that sharpen one another while matters of the heart are shared, and Pastor’s current series is discussed. Bring an appetite for the Word and tasty food, and be prepared to fellowship with newlyweds and young families!d!
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17